Intellcre for Investors
Find the best opportunities in your market and maximize your strategy and returns with AI-powered deal analysis. Real estate is a numbers game, get the winning edge you need to win the best deals.
Effortlessly screen all your deals in a day. Dive deeper into the most promising opportunities with advanced analysis and determine the right value in just a few clicks.
Utilize over 50 data sets and unlimited access to 150M+ comps nationwide for quick, data-driven investment decisions.
Stay ahead of your real estate investments with AI-powered pipeline and deal flow management, simplified for efficiency.
Stress test each deal with sensitivity analysis showing how returns and pricing changes with different assumptions and market conditions.
Tick all buy boxes for you or your clients as you go through the analysis or solve for your ideal price based on targeted returns and strategy.
Model various equity waterfall structures for syndicated deals and view GP and LP-level returns, contributions, and distributions.
IntellCRE utilizes historical data to provide better predictions for property appreciation and exit cap rates across all markets.
Use the financing strategy that applies to your deal whether it’s existing loan, standard or bridge financing, sellers financing, refinancing, or a combination.
For even more flexibility, IntellCRE allows you to preset your own general or market-specific assumptions that are automatically used across your team.