Intellcre for Brokers

More deals and better analysis
in less time

Close deals faster than ever before. Stay ahead of the competition with high-quality proposals and packages, effortlessly generated in seconds using AI.

Identify every deal, on and off market

Access 50+ data sets and 150M+ nationwide property records to quickly find new deals matching your clients criteria.

Identify every deal, on and off market

Generate marketing materials in seconds

Effortlessly transform every potential deal into high-quality opinions of value, property packages, and websites to unlock unlimited lead generation potential.

Property websites

Prospect and collect data on potential deals

Automate prospecting and streamline deal data capture with Dealbox — your own inbox for fresh, high-quality deals.

Collect data from clients

Enhance lead flow with AI CRM tools

Upgrade to simpler and more efficient deal pipeline management and win more deals

Pipeline management